Bag of Knowledge - Blog 4

Q4: What has been your favourite pattern during 2019 or this past decade? And what are you looking forward to mastering in 2020? Sophies Universe comes to mind...immediately. When I first became "aware" of crocheting, I was seeing this amazing pattern everywhere. It was mind-boggling, to say the least. I took a giant step for me, then, and made one for my mom (proudly featured in Dedri's book). I did it in 3 months!! I have learned sooo much from that pattern, so much so that I feel I can crochet anything. That was in 2016. Fast forward to present day, and what the future holds, I might be scaling down on some of the test crochets, and make hubby the Sophie I have been promising him since forever. Thanks for the opportunity answering these questions, and may you all have a blessed festive season. ≈ Eloise Nel the creator behind MyLove4Crochet My favourite pattern this past year has been Ghost Horses by Caitlin Hunter...