
Bag of Knowledge - Blog 7

For me, lockdown is more or less how I live my life anyway. I don't particularly like shopping or running errands. For that reason, my list are carried over from month to month anyway. Knitting and crochet while watching Netflix or knitting/crochet podcasts keeps me sane. I enjoy doing a kal or cal every now and again because it gives me a sense of belonging and I like the online socializing with likeminded people. I must admit that I do start to miss real contact with friends and family!  ≈ Adele Marais, founder and creator behind  Yarn Creations and presenter on YouTube Hi there!!!  So glad to hear you are safe and sound.   Lockdown was very challenging for me, especially in the first two weeks.  I didn't get to do all I wanted to, mainly because I just didn't feel like doing it.  I must say, being able to go and sit outside in the Lapa kept me and hubby sane.  One thing that I did implement, was "me-time".  The ki...

Bag of Knowledge - Blog 6

Q6           What is your best trick and or tip when knitting or crocheting? My favourite trick for both knitting and crocheting is the use of stitch markers. I use them to mark beginning and end of repeats, stitch counts and when crocheting they become my tool to hold my stitch so it doesn’t pull out.  I’ve even used stitch markers as row counters.  They are indispensable and have a million uses. ≈ Lauren Ackerman, owner of Yarn@ZelLe follow her on Instagram and on Facebook When crocheting in the round (solid squares or circles), make only 2 ch for the beginning of the round and end the round with a slipstitch in the 1st real dc, skipping the starting ch 2. That will close the gap formed between the last dc and the starting ch 2. Remember that in the next round the last dc will be IN the ss of the previous round to keep the correct stitch count. This will result in the starting ch moving to the left with one s...

Bag of Knowledge - Blog 5

Q5 - Share your latest accomplishment, what prompted you and why you would encourage other yarnies to give it a go?   January was a busy month but we are hoping February will bring back BoK inspiration for all our panellists My latest accomplishment was completing 2 test knits for Carissa Browning - Briobius (brioche in a mobius cowl) and Mix Tape  (mosaic cowl) I definitely learnt a lot while completing these 2 projects; never too old to learn new skills.  I will for sure be exploring these two techniques this year. Both patterns available on Ravelry ≈Juanita Muir, designer at Juaknits and follow her on Instagram My latest achievement has been brioche. I have always wanted to learn this technique and after completing Be Inspired’s Block of the Month course I knew the basics but it was Karen from Miss la Motte and Be Inspired (again) who held a workshop in advanced brioche that really set my juices flying. I’m definitely going to be using thi...