Bag of Knowledge - Blog 7

For me, lockdown is more or less how I live my life anyway. I don't particularly like shopping or running errands. For that reason, my list are carried over from month to month anyway. Knitting and crochet while watching Netflix or knitting/crochet podcasts keeps me sane. I enjoy doing a kal or cal every now and again because it gives me a sense of belonging and I like the online socializing with likeminded people. I must admit that I do start to miss real contact with friends and family! ≈ Adele Marais, founder and creator behind Yarn Creations and presenter on YouTube Hi there!!! So glad to hear you are safe and sound. Lockdown was very challenging for me, especially in the first two weeks. I didn't get to do all I wanted to, mainly because I just didn't feel like doing it. I must say, being able to go and sit outside in the Lapa kept me and hubby sane. One thing that I did implement, was "me-time". The ki...