Bag of Knowledge - Blog 7

For me, lockdown is more or less how I live my life anyway. I don't particularly like shopping or running errands. For that reason, my list are carried over from month to month anyway. Knitting and crochet while watching Netflix or knitting/crochet podcasts keeps me sane. I enjoy doing a kal or cal every now and again because it gives me a sense of belonging and I like the online socializing with likeminded people. I must admit that I do start to miss real contact with friends and family! 
≈ Adele Marais, founder and creator behind Yarn Creations and presenter on YouTube

Hi there!!!  So glad to hear you are safe and sound.   Lockdown was very challenging for me, especially in the first two weeks.  I didn't get to do all I wanted to, mainly because I just didn't feel like doing it.  I must say, being able to go and sit outside in the Lapa kept me and hubby sane.  One thing that I did implement, was "me-time".  The kids used it as an excuse to play online games, but I think, in hindsight, it kept them busy.  They are taking this whole stay-at-home thing very good.  Other than just "surviving" the lockdown, I completed quite a few WIP’S, but not as much as I would have liked to.  

I did learn to appreciate my house cleaner, more than usual.  I miss her, not only because she cleans the house, but also because she is family.
≈ Eloise Nel the creator behind MyLove4Crochet

How do I manage my new existence? Being a stay at home mom I'm used to being home, so for me its much of the same, having company is actually very nice, being home all day can get quite lonely some times. What I've learned that works is to keep with a routine, get up shower and dress to shoes and hair, I even do my make up because it keeps me sane. Then follow with a routine for the rest of the day, school for my girls, lunch, then me time which includes knitting, crocheting or researching. Chin up ladies and keep strong, after all we are stronger together!
≈ Surene Palvie, photographer behind Nova Photography and amazing colour collaborator and crafter

I get up each day with some goals for the day. On the list are some things I HAVE to do (laundry, etc) and things that I WANT to do. I make sure there is pleasure and delight in each day. Every time when I start to feel frustrated or depressed, I purposefully look for something to be grateful for. I think we have to stay positive above all else. If we allow ourselves to become depressed everything will fall apart.
≈ Hilda Steyn, designer, blogger and co-author of Hekel en Word Heel is also on Instagram

I share most of the sentiments here.  I placed myself into isolation 10 days before the official lockdown began due to my compromised immune system and other vulnerabilities.  As we have heard repeatedly, none of us has experienced anything like “this” in our lifetimes and books are going to be written about Covid-19 for coming generations.  My grandson spent some time here in the past week and I have a newfound respect for all the mom's out there homeschooling without training. It's huge pressure especially when the child does not see the point because school is closed. Have a BELLS ladies, you deserve it!! 

What I did discover is to take each day at a time, I stressed because I couldn’t knit or crochet, but since last week I have managed to get my needles clicking again - a huge win.  A friend reminded me:

And voila, we are allowed to buy & sell online again just like that!  You are all commended for your patience and endurance.  I am super excited and eagerly await my online order - stay healthy and safe all you amazing people.  


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